
Samantha Leonard Samantha Leonard

7 Easy Ways to Tame Your Mail Pile

Does checking your mail give you a headache? Do you feel like if you get one more unwanted credit card offer, you are going to pull your hair out? (Trust me. I have been there.) Mail can be great, but it can introduce unwanted paper clutter into your home! Several years ago I decided to take action on this and changed our mail game for life. Here are 7 easy ways you can do the same!

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Samantha Leonard Samantha Leonard

Luxury Living: Essential Tools for Maintaining Pristine Upholstery

I love upholstered items and specify them quite often. They can greatly contribute to the luxurious feel of a space. That being said, the number one question I get from clients is how to maintain them. They are worried they will become dirty quickly or ruined forever by one accidental stain. Fear not, my friends! I have my list of tried and true items for maintaining your upholstery.

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Samantha Leonard Samantha Leonard

Organizing Books In Rainbow Order: Yes or No

You’ve seen it on TV. You’ve seen it all over Instagram. The trend of organizing your books in ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo, violet) order. As an interior designer and organizer, would I recommend this? Let’s talk about it.

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Samantha Leonard Samantha Leonard

Overcoming Lighting Obstacles: What Bulb Do I Buy?!

How many times have you purchased a light bulb and discovered that the color temperature is just not it? Especially when you are replacing one bulb out of 3 above your kitchen island. Let me walk you through how to avoid that next time you are walking through Lowe’s.

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Samantha Leonard Samantha Leonard

All About Design Days

You may have heard me mention our newest service called “Design Day”. It is our newest service that we are excited to roll out to new and existing clients! What does a Design Day and who is it actually for?

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Samantha Leonard Samantha Leonard

The Two Places In Your Home We Recommend Organizing First

You have acknowledged your home needs expert organization, but don’t know where to have your organizer even start. Your are in luck! We have done this once or twice and know what areas of the home make the biggest impact on your every day mental health.

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