The Two Places In Your Home We Recommend Organizing First
You have acknowledged your home needs expert organization, but don’t know where to have your organizer even start. Your are in luck! We have done this once or twice and know what areas of the home make the biggest impact on your every day mental health.
#1. Primary Bathroom. Your main bathroom gets used every single day. It is one of the first places you spend time when you wake up and one of the last you see before you head to bed. If you are needing immediate relief from the chaos of your home, this is your best place to start! No one wants to start their day cleaning up mouthwash because they knocked it over when trying to grab the hairspray. And who wants to keep purchasing contact solution, only to find out they already had two new bottles in the back of their cabinet. Not us, and not you.
#2. Kitchen Pantry. The kitchen is another heavily visited place in most homes, and it is used by EVERYONE. Once your bathroom is organized and feeling Zen, it is time to tackle the oh so intimidating pantry. Lucky for you, we’ve not met a pantry we didn’t love, and we love a good challenge! The kitchen pantry is an ever evolving storage unit. Food is constantly being consumed, purchased again, emptied again (or gone bad…check those expiration dates!). Having a system that works with your family’s eating habits & routines will help simplify meal time and keep your pantry doors from bursting at the seams!
The same rules apply to unpacking a new home. We typically recommend starting with the bathroom & kitchen to help get you settled faster and with ease!
Are you ready to get started on your home’s organization journey? Schedule a discovery call to get started with our organizing team today! We can’t wait to hear from you!